We offer deep multi-disciplinary expertise and an ability to serve large complex organisations across the globe, leveraging a small number of select collaborative relationships.

Our work centres on identifying and addressing misalignment of governance, strategy, and risk-taking appetite, with organisational culture.  Organisational culture is nebulous, learned and carried by individuals, and constantly evolving – which can mean specific aspects of culture become misaligned with changing context, strategies/leaders/priorities, and risk-taking capacity. Misalignment can lead to an inability to deliver on strategic intents or result in commercial, stakeholder, and reputational harm.

While culture is routinely cited as a critical driver of undesirable outcomes, organisational responses typically reflect the prevailing cultures that lead to those outcomes. In times of significant change, organisational culture can both help and hinder an organisation's ability to successfully navigate, adapt, and deliver what’s needed.

We have supported clients globally through strategy execution, transformational change, establishment of new ventures, litigation, royal commissions of inquiry, and court-enforceable undertakings.  We are disciplined and practical, leveraging multidisciplinary expertise from a select number of associate partners.

Independent advisory

Isolate culture root cause of serious incidents, litigation, or regulatory oversight concerns.

Understand cultural drivers that can help or hinder strategy or program execution.

Evaluate Board/Governance effectiveness in risk-taking and risk management.


Critically evaluate culture / risk culture frameworks, approaches, information, and actions to identify blindspots and apply better industry practices.

Structured review of governance charters to evaluate clarity of responsibilities and demonstrated performance.


Design, implement, and embed pragmatic, easily repeatable culture assessment and analysis capabilities across the three lines of accountability.

Capability development, coaching, and team support.